Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sex Tourism Hypocrisy in the DR

If I were emperor of the Dominican Republic, I would declare Sosua to be the Sex & Pot Tourism Capital of the World.  Instead, the incompetent hypocrite morons who run this country have declared war on sex tourism in their fake-believe moral obligation to "clean up".  These self-righteous elitist idiots pretend that they care about everyone concerned, from the rich to the poor, natives to tourists, children to elderly.  They are self-serving liars, and the evidence is below.
The DR has been a sex tourism favorite for decades, and Sosua has been the town of choice for men to come and enjoy the tropical beaches by day and ladies at night.  Over the years there have been pretend, failed, incompetent attempts to destroy this business in Sosua, which has always accounted for a significant portion of its economic activity.  The aftermath of those foolish attempts have never resulted in anything positive.  Instead, tourism goes down, hotels and restaurants are empty and not only are the girls out of work and income, but so are the Dominicans who work at hotels and restaurants.  Sure, the expat retirees who own property in Sosua are happy because they falsely believe that eliminating the sex tourism in Sosua is better than organizing it.  They want to blame the fact that there are 40 properties for sale for every buyer on the prostitutes.  Morons.
These idealists make believe that it is possible to completely change the identity of a small beach town in a poor third world country.  Its practically impossible.  Take away the auto industry and Detroit is a shithole.  Take away the military bases in small California towns and they turn into wastelands - and NEVER recover. Because its amoral to gamble, lets also take away gaming from Las Vegas and turn it into a Christian retreat center.  See what happens.

For the dreamers that falsely believe that Sosua can become a clean fun family-oriented vacation haven - GET REAL.  I bet anyone any amount of money that 10 or 20 years from now Sosua will NEVER become a successful destination for your family-happy tourism. That war has been won already by the all-inclusive juggernaut in Punta Cana.  Sosua can't and never will compete for that business.  Can Sosua become just a non-tourist residential town?  Probably, but why throw away the baby with the bath water when there is a solution?

Lets imagine for a minute that my dream came true; Sosua: Sex & Pot Tourism Capital of the World.  Just like Las Vegas eliminated its street girls and New York City's 42nd street eliminated its street girls.  Lets take away the low-class seedy bar-street hooker environment that has defined Sosua, and lets create an organized industry like Amsterdam's red light district, Las Vegas and New York's escort industry.  Nobody - not even me - wants the eye sore nightlife scene of fat ugly hookers in neon miniskirts galavanting in the streets and bars. You don't see that in Amsterdam, Las Vegas, or New York anymore, but the sex tourism industry in those places has skyrocketed since the days of street walkers.  Sosua can easily create a red light area with upscale bars & Pot Cafes (just like Amsterdam) and leave plenty of space for clean, family fun for residents and tourists, the same way Amsterdam and Las Vegas are sex tourist hot spots, but they also have plenty of things to do and amenities for the non-sex tourist.
Why include Pot?  Simple.  Make Sosua a unique Caribbean destination that offers what no other place on the western hemisphere has: TROPICAL BEACHES, LEGAL SEX & POT.  Colorado just legalized recreational use of marijuana.  It is already a BILLION-DOLLAR INDUSTRY in that state in LESS THAN A YEAR!  Hello? How would you like to see poor beach town Sosua become RICH???  If you tell single men from the US, Canada and Europe that they can come to Sosua and smoke all the weed and have sex with gorgeous girls LEGALLY in tropical beach paradise -it would create an economic gold mine that would even make the Asian destinations like Thailand and Philippines jealous.

As of today, my dream is far from reality.  The hypo-Christian politicians (hypocrite Christians) want to crucify the girls that were born in this poor country (probably without a dad or an abusive one) given no education while they were children and no job opportunities while they are adults.  Then there are the anti-prostitution/sex tourism moral supremacists who do not live in reality and pretend they have the answer to all of God's questions.  I hear nonsense like, lets eliminate prostitution so Sosua can be clean and then we can get the girls jobs in hotels so they don't have to sell their bodies.  Idealistic idiots with no clue about macro economics.  Lets also train them to become mutant ninjas and rocket scientists since there is an equal demand for those as well.  Maybe we can hire the girls to save the marsupials, cure cancer and eliminate poverty in Africa too.  I have not heard ONE anti-sex-industry pundit come up with ONE logical, reasonable, realistic solution.  Fantasy world dreamers who refuse reality and pretend they got morals.

Last month was the latest maneuver of corrupt incompetency by DR politicians to kill sex tourism, which by anyone's calculations, is a majority of the economic activity in Sosua.  Authorities charged Robert "Bob" Anechiarico, US citizen and owner of Rumba's Bar (one of the two most popular bars in Sosua) with promoting sex tourism in the Dominican Republic.  The charges are outright bullshit.  Bob owns a popular bar that tourists come to drink, eat and watch sports while the working girls come to see if the guys would like company for the evening.  Bob does not sell or promote sex at his bar; he makes a lot of money just selling the food and drinks to the guys that come in.  This bar has operated exactly the same for years, yet all of a sudden, Bob's legal business is now illegal without any changes in the laws, just outrageous allegations that killed his business.
Last night, about one month later, I drove through Sosua center.  It was dead.  No activity like there used to be.  No guys, no girls.  The dreamers and politicians are promising that soon families will fill up Pedro Clisante and we will all live happily ever after.  Meanwhile the hotel, restaurant, tourist workers starve to death because there are no customers until the promise is delivered.  It never will be.

I see this incompetent corruption throughout Latin America, but especially in the Dominican Republic.  Do the morons who run the Dominican Republic - do they think about the consequences of taking Bob's business away?  How is a gringo investor supposed to feel confident about starting a business in the DR when at any given moment, the corrupt authorities can just allege that you are a criminal and take your business away like they did to him?  The DR just told every foreign investor:  IF YOU INVEST HERE, WE CAN TAKE YOUR MONEY & FREEDOM WITHOUT CAUSE, NO RULES NECESSARY.  WE WILL JUST ACCUSE YOU OF SOMETHING AND KICK YOU OUT.

I came to the DR with dreams, good ideas, money to invest and plans to build a life here.  My experience and the evidence tells me that I may not have calculated all the risks involved in making an investment in the DR.  I have not yet made up my mind, but if I was smart, I'd pack my bags and head to Asia.
Asians don't demonize sex the way western culture does. They don't see the sex industry as amoral or sinful. This is one of the many reasons why they are a superior race to Latin Americans.  Yeah, I said that (Asians have a higher application of education, savings, spirituality and work ethic than Latin Americans, with a deeper, richer more diversified culture base).  If you want to debate me on this, you will lose, but this is not the subject of this post.